Sir Anton´s secret

Petr Tichý
Zlonínská 581, 250 65 Líbeznice, Czech Republic
+420 603 441 484
Personal collection possible by telephone agreement.

Contact form


Asterion s.r.o. - Petr Tichý

Business ID number: 26190290
TAX ID number: CZ26190290

Zlonínská 581
250 65 Líbeznice
Czech Republic

Product manufacturer


Business ID number: 27388433
TAX ID number: CZ27388433

Nad lesním divadlem 8
142 00 Praha 4
Czech Republic
Sir Anton's secret
Sir Anton’s Secret tablets are based on the human body and the way it works. Our organism is a biomechanical machine, there are millions of reactions going on in it and that’s life. Just supply quality nutrients and our body knows what it needs and where it needs it.


Asterion s.r.o. - Petr Tichý
Business ID number: 26190290,
Tax ID number: CZ26190290
Zlonínská 581
250 65 Líbeznice
Czech Republic

